支持保護龍環葡韻鷺鳥林(Save the wild egret wetland on Taipa)
This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition 支持保護龍環葡韻鷺鳥林(Save the wild egret wetland on Taipa).
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#1792012-06-03 17:59Uma petição mais que justa. Convido todos os meus amigos a assiná-la. |
This post has been removed by its writer (Show details)
2012-06-04 04:10- Date of removal: 2012-06-04
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#1842012-06-04 04:56政府應檢討,2008年才起的資訊中心,用了不足4年便搬.浪費納稅人的錢. 資訊中心要搬應考慮在熊貓館附近,讓該區更多設施,增加遊客逗留時間 |
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#1862012-06-04 07:20班官唔係傻0既,所謂魔鬼藏在細節中,佢0地無理由搞單咁0既捉蟲0野。班後生仔講得0岩啦,依招叫賊佬試沙煲,先用個物中心0黎試0下反應。再搵間聽說0既公司搞個研究,到時整色水話對D雀無物影響,咁個項目就上馬。至於真係有無影響,D雀又唔識講,到時飛走晒咁都無符0架。其實講陰謀論,個鷺林算係物,極其量只係前菜,個湖先至物主角。若果填一部分個湖,再起D湖畔豪宅。嘩!咁就發過豬頭啦D貪官同D奸商。 afon |
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#1872012-06-04 10:56你地班高官言而無信,講一套做套!!!連鷺林呢片小小的地都唔放過~~~,正係識得留d地比賭場!!!我地澳門人已經冇屋住啦!!宜家連鷺鳥的屋都要霸埋~人在做,天在看!!! |
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#190 Ricardo2012-06-07 05:18Quando a Ultima arvore tiver caido ...quando o ultimo rio tiver secado ...quando o ultimo peixe for pescado ...voces vao entender que dinheiro Nao Se COME. |
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#1912012-06-07 06:06i agree i live in macao for many years, and always like to see the beatiful birds there |
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#1922012-06-07 07:53It's great to see Macau people so active for such a good cause as saving the egrets wetland in Taipa. The fight already beared fruits, with the Chief Executive promissing to reevaluate the construction plan in the area. Nature is our best treasure, why destroy it? |
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#1942012-06-07 20:40São as garças e o resto da bicharada e é o mangal,m que já foi destruído uma vez. Um eco-sistema como aquele não pode ser destruído |
Wobbly |
#1962012-06-08 18:37We need to curb our Population growth to sustainable level,as it is getting beyond manageble levels and to co-exist with nature and give it the respect it deserves |
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#1982012-06-11 10:55We need to protect the few natural spaces the people of Taipa have to enjoy. |
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#1992012-06-13 09:44Join in for the good of Mother-Nature, the EARTH NEEDS YOUR SIGNATURES |
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支持保護龍環葡韻鷺鳥林(Save the wild egret wetland on Taipa)
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